why we belong

We have so much in common, and yet we love our differences.  We share a common theological heritage, but we don’t always agree with each other.  We are ministers and missionaries, hopers and dreamers, thinkers and feelers, friends and companions.  We care deeply and laugh loudly.  We desire the best for each other, our congregations, and the movement which we call home.  We live in different parts of the world, but we yearn for the annual pilgrimage.  We are growing and being grown, shaping and being shaped, loving and being loved.

But most of all, we belong.

We came to this realization because of shared experiences in worship, study, and friendship.  We know we cannot walk this journey alone, so we gladly walk it together.  And as we walk together, we are growing in the realization that we belong together.  We find identity in these relationships, and we believe this brings glory to God, the one who lives in ever-loving trinitarian relationship.

So this space is where we can write, dream, hope, worry, and question … together.  It is where we can try out ideas, find support and correction, and contribute to each other’s ministries … together.  It is where we can learn to follow Jesus Christ and serve the church … together.

…because we belong.

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