Tag Archives: the church

A Kingdom of God Church

“Seek first the kingdom of God, and its righteousness…”

Throughout this series, we’ve been looking at the significant beliefs that make up the DNA of the Church of God. In his book, Vision for the Church of God at the Crossroads, Gilbert Stafford makes the bold claim that while it’s true other groups in the wider church consider themselves Gospel churches, or Bible churches, or born-again churches, or holiness churches, or unity churches, or Kingdom of God churches, or missionary churches, it’s the equal commitment to all seven attributes that makes the Church of God unique.

If this is the case, then I would like to suggest that it is the fact that we are a Kingdom of God church that actually holds all seven together. When we neglect the Kingdom of God, I believe we tend to separate the other six elements out, as though they function independent of one another. Continue reading

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