Tag Archives: stewardship

Stewardship 4: Conclusion

Pastor Shannon concludes the series on holistic stewardship and talks about how we use our money. This last sermon in the series deals with our tithes and offerings. Read Malachi 3:6-10 and listen here:


Stewardship 4: Tithes and Offerings


Stewardship 3: Time and Talents

Pastor Shannon continues the series on holistic stewardship by dealing with our time and talents. Read 1 Peter 4:10-11 and listen here:

Sermon: Time and Talents


Stewardship 2: Environmental Stewardship

How do we manage all that God has given us? Good stewardship is one of the important roles we have in living for God. Pastor Shannon continues preaching about stewardship in dealing with one of the most forgotten areas of care that we are given: care for the created order. Genesis 1:1-2:4.


Listen here: Stewardship 2: Environmental Stewardship


Stewardship 1: Money

Stewardship is an important part of our lives as Christians. How do we manage all that God has given us? Pastor Shannon starts off this series (on May 22) with a sermon on money. Read Matthew 6:19-24 to prepare.


Listen here: Stewardship 1: Money


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