Tag Archives: peace

Advent: Peace

This month Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love during advent. From our hope we can experience peace – but what does peace really mean in this world of turmoil? Read Micah 5:2-5 and Luke 2:8-14 as we meditate on peace.


Sermon: Advent: Peace

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Advent 4: Peace Results in Praise

On the fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Shannon shows us how peace results in praise. We have been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Luke 2:8-20 and talked about the different responses to the Prince of Peace being born.

Sermon: Peace Results in Praise

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Advent 3: Peace as Unity

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon has been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Ephesians 2:11-22 as we study about the unity that comes through Christ, unity that is peace.

Sermon: Peace as Unity

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Advent 2: Peace, Light in the Darkness

For Advent 2016, Pastor Shannon is focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that we need to discover. Jesus came as a light in the darkness, a light to the world. This week we’ll focus on Isaiah 9:1-7.

Sermon: Peace, Light in the Darkenss

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Advent 1: Peace Through the Blood

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon will be focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace. This week read Colossians 1:15-23 (with a focus on verse 20) as you prepare for this sermon on personal peace.

Sermon: Peace Through the Blood

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