Tag Archives: obedience

OT: Jericho Walls (Faith and Victory)

Another exciting story in the Old Testament is that of Joshua and the Israelites at the Walls of Jericho. Read Joshua 6:1-20 in preparation. God makes promises, does God keep them? The answer is yes, of course! But sometimes it is hard when we don’t understand God’s plan, but the key to victory is faith and obedience.

Sermon: Jericho Walls, Faith and Victory

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OT: Naaman (Humility)

Pastor Shannon begins a new series of Old Testament stories with the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-19. When faced with the humiliation of leprosy, he tried everything and finally turned to the God of his servant girl. Through his story we see the importance of humility and relying on God.


Sermon: OT: Naaman (Humility)

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