Tag Archives: Matthew

Vision and Mission

Our mission from God comes from God’s vision for the church as a whole. God’s mission for the church comes from Matthew 28:16-20 and is for all believers. Within that each church and each person has a personal mission to do for God. What’s ours?


Sermon: Vision and Mission

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OT: Violence and God

As we finish up the series in the Old Testament, so many questions have come to the surface over the last few months about the violence we have seen in these stories. Read Matthew 5:21-22 and 5:38-44.

A big question we come to is does God condone violence? Pastor Shannon deals with this and other questions and also addresses the Las Vegas shooting which happened the week of this sermon.


Sermon: OT: Violence and God

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Body of Christ: Conflict in the Body

The church is the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon deals with the messy reality of conflict and gossip in the church. Conflict is not in and of itself bad, it matters how we deal with these things. Read Matthew 18:15-22.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Conflict in the Body

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Sermon on the Mount: Hear and Do

Pastor Shannon is back from maternity leave. She comes into the pulpit to conclude the series on The Sermon on the Mount. Read back through the SM (Matthew 5-7) and then listen to the conclusion, a call to not only hear this words, but put them into action.

PS. If you’d like to hear the rest of the series (by many voices), check out the Harvest Point webpage here: Harvest Point Sermons. 


Sermon: Sermon on the Mount: Conclusion

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Do Not Worry

In this world we have so much to worry about, to stress over, to fret about…but Jesus is very clear in Matthew 6:25-34 and really throughout the Bible that we are not to worry and we are not to be afraid. While things on earth may not always be as we hope or want, God is in control. This is hard to hold onto at times, but put your hope in the solid rock.


Sermon: Do Not Worry

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