Tag Archives: Luke

The Thankful Church: Give Thanks

In the month of Thanksgiving, Pastor Shannon is going to be focusing on gratitude and giving thanks. As people of good news, we should be the example of grateful people in our society. How can we be more grateful? More thankful? Read Luke 17:11-19 in preparation and be ready to practice gratitude!

Sermon: Give Thanks

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The Missional Church: Are You Ready?

As Pastor Shannon concludes her missional church series, we take a look at what happens if we are actually being a church on mission for God. While our goal and purpose is to *GO* and make disciples, to be Christ’s witnesses and to be a sent people…if we are actually doing this people will be drawn to the church. The question that comes from this is, are we ready? Are we ready for people to come to our churches? Read Luke 5:1-11 in preparation and think about whether or not your church is ready for people to come.

Sermon: Missional Church: Conclusion, Are You Ready? 

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