Tag Archives: gospel

A Gospel Church: A Response

A Gospel Church is definitely all that Shannon New Spangler talked about in the previous post.  She did an excellent job articulating the central importance of the Gospel message.  This is not an easy task, writing a blog post about these themes, especially as the primary poster.  Whole books could be written around any one of these themes, and we are trying to tackle them in a thousand words, give or take a couple hundred.  So we have to make choices about how much gets said on any given theme.  The advantage of the responder is that they get to pick up a thread that was not allowed to make it into the primary post.  Thank goodness; otherwise I’d have nothing else to say.

So, that being said, I’d like to take what Shannon said about A Gospel Church and the centrality of the gospel, and stretch it.  I absolutely agree that a gospel church has, at her core, the central message of Jesus Christ and his salvific work.  However, I would like to push us a little further in understanding how a gospel church proclaims the gospel.

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A Gospel Church

As we begin the series “Church of God at the Crossroads” we come with the question posed by Dr. Stafford in his book, “what kind of church is pleasing to God?”

It’s a good question, but not an easy one to answer. Many church groups over the years have given answers to this question. The answers vary greatly, so who is right? Perhaps it’s not any one thing, but a combination of things that make a church that is pleasing to God.

The first idea we are going to discuss here is that a church that is pleasing to God is a gospel church. The word “gospel” means “good news” or “glad tidings.” The good news in this context is that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) has come and that humanity has been given the opportunity to be redeemed. With this in mind, what then is a gospel church? It is a church that proclaims, sings, teaches and repeats this news that Jesus Christ has come and that every person has the chance to take part in the salvation he brings. If we are not proclaiming this message then we have missed the point; and if we replace the proclamation of this good news with other agendas, no matter how worthy, we have ceased to be a gospel church.

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