Tag Archives: Ephesians

Body of Christ: A Dwelling Place for God

The Body of Christ is not the only metaphor for the church that is used in the Bible. Pastor Shannon speaks about the church as a dwelling place for God from Ephesians 2:11-22. Unity brings us together to become a dwelling place for God – and when we are a dwelling place for God we can more fully live out the mission God has left for us.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Dwelling Place

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Body of Christ: Unity in the Body

Continuing the series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon talks about the importance of unity in the body. A few weeks ago we saw that diversity is part of the beauty of the church. But diversity works best when lived out in unity. Read Ephesians 4:1-16.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Unity in the Body

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Body of Christ: The Supremacy of Christ

In a new series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon begins by talking about the importance of Christ as the head of the church. Read both Colossians 1:15-18 and Ephesians 1:17-23. Christ is our source and our Lord, if the church is separated from Christ, we die.


Sermon: Body of Christ: The Supremacy of Christ

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