Tag Archives: convention

Change in the Church of God

Real, substantive, meaningful change. That’s what we are hoping for, and that’s what we began to see in the Church of God Convention last week in Oklahoma City.

This was the second year in a row that the major CHOG Convention was held outside of our home base in Anderson, Indiana. Attendance was up, excitement was up, unity was up. Mean attitudes or doubting spirits were less present this year, compared to last year when the change was still fresh and not well understood. Continue reading

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Church of God Convention 2015

As this year’s convention in Oklahoma City draws to a close, we find ourselves musing on many ideas, topics, and questions that have been raised throughout the week. A few of us have been able to attend this convention; others of us have watched online from home. And as we draw our thoughts together, we hope to share them with each other – and with you – in this space. It has been a rich and thought-provoking week!

Posts about the 2015 Church of God Convention:

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