Tag Archives: body of christ

Body of Christ: Family of God

In the conclusion to the Body of Christ series, Pastor Shannon preaches from Galatians 3:26-4:7. We are adopted by God and therefore are brothers and sisters. We are family! In a discussion lead time together we looked at Ephesians 4:4-6, John 1:12-13, Romans 8:14-17 and 1 John 3:1-3. What do these scriptures have to do with unity? What does it mean to be a child of God/part of God’s family?


Sermon: Body of Christ: Family of God

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Body of Christ: A Dwelling Place for God

The Body of Christ is not the only metaphor for the church that is used in the Bible. Pastor Shannon speaks about the church as a dwelling place for God from Ephesians 2:11-22. Unity brings us together to become a dwelling place for God – and when we are a dwelling place for God we can more fully live out the mission God has left for us.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Dwelling Place

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Body of Christ: Holy Spirit Power

In our current series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon talks about where our power as the body of Christ comes from. Read Acts 1-2 in preparation. Where Christ is the head of the body– the Holy Spirit is the breath in our lungs as the people of the God – the one that gives us life.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Holy Spirit Power

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Body of Christ: Conflict in the Body

The church is the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon deals with the messy reality of conflict and gossip in the church. Conflict is not in and of itself bad, it matters how we deal with these things. Read Matthew 18:15-22.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Conflict in the Body

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Body of Christ: Unity in the Body

Continuing the series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon talks about the importance of unity in the body. A few weeks ago we saw that diversity is part of the beauty of the church. But diversity works best when lived out in unity. Read Ephesians 4:1-16.


Sermon: Body of Christ: Unity in the Body

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Body of Christ: Born of the Spirit

In our current series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon speaks to the how question – how do you become part of the body of Christ? Read the beginning of Nicodemus’ story in John 3:1-6 and see what Jesus says. We have the opportunity for a new life, a better life, when we become part of the God’s family: but what does it mean to be born again?

Sermon: Body of Christ: Born of the Spirit

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Body of Christ: Spiritual Gifts

Continuing the series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon moves from the head to the body, talking about the gifts given to the body for the Kingdom of God. Every Christian has at least one spiritual gift, what is yours and how will you use it? 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

Sermon: Body of Christ: Spiritual Gifts. 

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Body of Christ: The Supremacy of Christ

In a new series on the Body of Christ, Pastor Shannon begins by talking about the importance of Christ as the head of the church. Read both Colossians 1:15-18 and Ephesians 1:17-23. Christ is our source and our Lord, if the church is separated from Christ, we die.


Sermon: Body of Christ: The Supremacy of Christ

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