Tag Archives: belonging

Our Contribution to the Kingdom

What is the unique contribution that the Movement makes to the
Kingdom in the world today?

In a recent post, Joe gave us an excellent starting point to the discussion of this second “Why” question, the second of three questions posed by our General Director Jim Lyon about the purpose and mission of the Church of God at this stage in our life together. In this space, I will identify a few strengths of Joe’s argument and then sum up, hopefully, a concise, one-sentence answer to the above question. Continue reading

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Our Stories So Far and My Story: A Second Home

In the first post of this series, I promised I would share a little bit about my story in the Church of God. My Church of God story actually begins in the United Methodist Church. My family has very deep roots in the UMC, both of my parents being raised in the UMC and their families’ involvement going back generations to the Methodist denominations that united to become the United Methodsit church. After my family moved to the Cleveland area when I was 7 years old, we began attending Strongsville United Methodist Church. Throughout my years growing up there, my family was deeply involved in the community. Most of all I loved my time singing in the Sanctuary Choir in high school. I also grew to treasure the seasons of the church and the liturgical year, and some of the most powerful worship experiences I had came during traditional Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter services. Continue reading

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My Story: Believing or Belonging?

Do I belong to the Church of God because I believe, or do I believe because I belong to the Church of God?  I have always been in the Church of God.  Steeped in it actually.  My parents are both ordained Church of God pastors.  My Grandfather is a retired Church of God pastor.  My two brothers and I are all pastors in Church of God congregations.  I even went so far as to marry the daughter of a Church of God pastor, and her brother is also serving and working on his ordination in the Church of God (and he also married a Church of God PK).  All of my immediate family members, and their spouses, are all graduates of Anderson University/College/etc.  Family of God, indeed.

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why we belong

We have so much in common, and yet we love our differences.  We share a common theological heritage, but we don’t always agree with each other.  We are ministers and missionaries, hopers and dreamers, thinkers and feelers, friends and companions.  We care deeply and laugh loudly.  We desire the best for each other, our congregations, and the movement which we call home.  We live in different parts of the world, but we yearn for the annual pilgrimage.  We are growing and being grown, shaping and being shaped, loving and being loved.

But most of all, we belong.

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