Tag Archives: Advent

Advent: Love

Advent is a season that is full of anticipation. This month Pastor Shannon has preached on hope, peace, and joy. As we conclude this series we celebrate Emmanuel – God with us and talk about God’s great love. Scriptures from Matthew and Luke.


Sermon: Advent: Love

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Advent: Joy

During this season of Advent, Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love. What is joy and where does it come from? Read Psalm 98 and listen to this sermon on joy.


Sermon: Advent: Joy

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Advent: Peace

This month Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love during advent. From our hope we can experience peace – but what does peace really mean in this world of turmoil? Read Micah 5:2-5 and Luke 2:8-14 as we meditate on peace.


Sermon: Advent: Peace

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Advent: Hope

Advent is full of anticipation. This month Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love. Where does our hope come from? From our circumstances? From within us? Read Matthew 1:18-25 and begin this advent journey with us!


Sermon: Advent: Hope

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Advent 4: Peace Results in Praise

On the fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Shannon shows us how peace results in praise. We have been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Luke 2:8-20 and talked about the different responses to the Prince of Peace being born.

Sermon: Peace Results in Praise

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Advent 3: Peace as Unity

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon has been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Ephesians 2:11-22 as we study about the unity that comes through Christ, unity that is peace.

Sermon: Peace as Unity

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Advent 2: Peace, Light in the Darkness

For Advent 2016, Pastor Shannon is focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that we need to discover. Jesus came as a light in the darkness, a light to the world. This week we’ll focus on Isaiah 9:1-7.

Sermon: Peace, Light in the Darkenss

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Advent 1: Peace Through the Blood

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon will be focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace. This week read Colossians 1:15-23 (with a focus on verse 20) as you prepare for this sermon on personal peace.

Sermon: Peace Through the Blood

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