Category Archives: Sermons

Totally Committed: Fishers of People

We are invited to follow Christ and become fishers of people. Read Matthew 4:18-22 and listen to the third sermon in Pastor Shannon’s series on being totally committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Totally Committed: Fishers of Men

Totally Committed: No Distractions

Sermon from April 17, 2016

We are called to follow Christ, no distractions. Read Luke 10:1-20 and listen to the second sermon in Pastor Shannon’s new series on being totally committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Totally Committed: No Distractions

Totally Committed: No Excuses

Sermon from April 10, 2016

We are called to follow Christ, no excuses. Read Luke 9:57-62 and listen to this first sermon in Pastor Shannon’s new series on being totally committed followers of Jesus Christ.

Totally Committed: No Excuses

SCOTUS, Sexuality, and Sheep vs. Goats

On July 5, 2015, in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in the United States, Shannon New Spangler preached on Matthew 25:31-46 in her local ministry setting, Harvest Point Church in Lordstown, Ohio.

“This decision … needs to be discussed so we know what our place is.”

“When we say no to loving, to being graceful, to being merciful, we set limits on who is worthy of God’s love, and that’s an indictment not on them, but on us. And God says, when you do this, you are a goat.”

Please listen to this important sermon. (download or play below)

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