Category Archives: Sermons

The Missional Church: The Theme of Acts

Pastor Shannon transitions the conversation about the missional church from the commission to the example of the disciples in Acts. Read Acts 10:34-43 as an example of how the Acts church was preaching. You might also want to check out this Map of Acts and this Timeline that Pastor Shannon references in the sermon.


Sermon: Missional Church: The Theme of Acts

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The Missional Church 103

Following a week at the Church of God regional in Philadelphia, Pastor Shannon continues talking about the missional church with an emphasis on the CHOG theme of “Reclaim.” Based on the scripture Luke 10:1, where Jesus sends the disciples out ahead of him, we hear today about how we are called to prepare the way for the Lord in people’s lives.

Sermon: Missional Church 103


The Missional Church 102

Pastor Shannon is talking about the missional church. If we understand that we are called to be missional – who is the subject of our mission? Who should we be reaching?  Read Matthew 25:31-46, the judgement of the nations. In order to be missional to people, we have to see humanity as valuable and worthy of God’s love.

Sermon: Missional Church 102


The Missional Church 101

In a new series, Pastor Shannon starts a conversation about the missional church. What does it mean to be on mission for God? What is our purpose in the world as the people of God? Read John 20:19-22 and get your pencil ready – there’s a pop quiz at the beginning of the sermon!

Sermon: Missional Church 101


Jesus’ Miracles: Do You Want to Live?

Jesus was not simply a healer – he had the power to defeat even death! Pastor Shannon concludes the miracles series with the story of Jairus’ daughter from Mark 2:21-43. Not only was Jesus a man of healing and miracles – he had something more to give humanity!

Do You Want to Live? Sermon


Jesus’ Miracles: Do You Want to be Restored?

Jesus was not simply a teacher but a man of miracles. Pastor Shannon preaches on Jesus healing the woman with the issue of blood from Mark 5:25-34. This woman’s faith makes her stand out, but the question that must be asked of all of us is “do you want to be restored?”

Do You Want to be Restored? Sermon


Jesus’ Miracles: Do you want to be made well?

Pastor Shannon continues a series on the miracles of Jesus. Read John 5:1-15, Jesus heals the man who has been at the healing pool for 38 years. The question that must be asked of all of us is “do you want to be made well?”

Do You Want to be Made Well? Sermon


Jesus’ Miracles: Do you want to be Free?

Pastor Shannon begins a series on the miracles of Jesus. To start read Luke 13:10-17, Jesus heals the bent over woman. The question that must  be asked of all of us is “do you want to be free?”


Do you want to be free? Sermon

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Speak of the Goodness of God

Praise God! Speak of the Goodness of God!

As people of God we know that while life is not easy, God is always good. Following our church’s major outreach event of the year (a free community Luau) we spend the Sunday celebrating the goodness of God. Pastor Shannon gives a short introduction to the importance of testimony and celebration. We have cut out the testimonies because some are very personal, but be encouraged…speak of the goodness of God! What has God been doing in your life?

Speak of the Goodness of God

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Evangelism 101

Evangelism is a big word that often scares many Christians, but we are all called to be God’s witnesses and to share good news. We make evangelism harder than it needs to be! Pastor Shannon gives keys to getting comfortable with sharing your faith.


Evangelism 101


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