Category Archives: Sermons

Advent 4: Peace Results in Praise

On the fourth Sunday of Advent Pastor Shannon shows us how peace results in praise. We have been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Luke 2:8-20 and talked about the different responses to the Prince of Peace being born.

Sermon: Peace Results in Praise

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Advent 3: Peace as Unity

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon has been focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that Jesus brought when he came to earth. This week read Ephesians 2:11-22 as we study about the unity that comes through Christ, unity that is peace.

Sermon: Peace as Unity

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Advent 2: Peace, Light in the Darkness

For Advent 2016, Pastor Shannon is focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace that we need to discover. Jesus came as a light in the darkness, a light to the world. This week we’ll focus on Isaiah 9:1-7.

Sermon: Peace, Light in the Darkenss

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Advent 1: Peace Through the Blood

In this season of Advent Pastor Shannon will be focusing on the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) and the different aspects of Peace. This week read Colossians 1:15-23 (with a focus on verse 20) as you prepare for this sermon on personal peace.

Sermon: Peace Through the Blood

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The Thankful Church: Give Thanks

In the month of Thanksgiving, Pastor Shannon is going to be focusing on gratitude and giving thanks. As people of good news, we should be the example of grateful people in our society. How can we be more grateful? More thankful? Read Luke 17:11-19 in preparation and be ready to practice gratitude!

Sermon: Give Thanks

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The Thankful Church: Gratitude

In the month of Thanksgiving, Pastor Shannon is going to be focusing on gratitude and giving thanks. As people of good news, we should be the example of grateful people in our society. How can we be more grateful? More thankful? Read Colossians 3:12-17 in preparation and be ready to practice gratitude!

Sermon: Gratitude 

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Do Not Worry

In this world we have so much to worry about, to stress over, to fret about…but Jesus is very clear in Matthew 6:25-34 and really throughout the Bible that we are not to worry and we are not to be afraid. While things on earth may not always be as we hope or want, God is in control. This is hard to hold onto at times, but put your hope in the solid rock.


Sermon: Do Not Worry

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The Missional Church: Are You Ready?

As Pastor Shannon concludes her missional church series, we take a look at what happens if we are actually being a church on mission for God. While our goal and purpose is to *GO* and make disciples, to be Christ’s witnesses and to be a sent people…if we are actually doing this people will be drawn to the church. The question that comes from this is, are we ready? Are we ready for people to come to our churches? Read Luke 5:1-11 in preparation and think about whether or not your church is ready for people to come.

Sermon: Missional Church: Conclusion, Are You Ready? 

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The Missional Church: Personal Evangelism

Pastor Shannon shares the keys to personal evangelism from the example of Philip in Acts 8:26-40. These six steps are still relevant for personal connecting with someone about God. We may not be Philip, but we are people whom God can use to further the Kingdom if we are willing to be used!


Sermon: Missional Church: Personal Evangelism

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The Missional Church: The Acts Guide

As we continue to study Acts, Pastor Shannon gives a guide to being missional from the Acts disciples, Peter and John. Read Acts 3:1-26 in preparation. We may not be Peter and John, but we are people whom God can use to further the Kingdom if we are willing to be used. This 5 step guide is a helpful reminder of how we can be missional every day as we live our normal life.

Sermon: The Mission Church: The Acts Guide

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