Category Archives: Sermons

OT: David and Goliath (Courage)

With another one of the most familiar stories in the Old Testament, Pastor Shannon shares about David and his courage as a man of God and how he overcomes the giant in his path. Join us in 1 Samuel 17 as we look at this story.


Sermon: OT: David and Goliath (Courage)

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OT: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (Faith)

Pastor Shannon looks at a very familiar story this week, can you look at it with fresh eyes? Read Daniel 6 as you prepare to hear about the life of faith through the story of Daniel. Who deserves our greatest allegiance?


Sermon: OT: Daniel and the Lion’s Den (faith)

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OT: Golden Calf (Sin of Idolatry)

Pastor Shannon continue speaking from the Old Testament with a sermon on the sin of idolatry. Read Exodus 32:1-28 (or chapters 24-32 if you’re willing!) We move naturally toward idolatry but this is antithetical to God’s laws! We must choose to commit to God.


Sermon: OT: Golden Calf (Sin of Idolatry)

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OT: Passover and Communion

This week we talk about some weird things in Christianity: Passover, communion, and why we talk about blood so much. This is a great sermon in looking at how things from the Old Testament are tied to things in the New. Read Exodus (if you have some time!) and Hebrews 10:1-18.

In the aftermath of events in August in Charlottesville, VA, Pastor Shannon also calls out racism and white supremacy.

Sermon: OT: Passover and Communion

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OT: Jericho Walls (Faith and Victory)

Another exciting story in the Old Testament is that of Joshua and the Israelites at the Walls of Jericho. Read Joshua 6:1-20 in preparation. God makes promises, does God keep them? The answer is yes, of course! But sometimes it is hard when we don’t understand God’s plan, but the key to victory is faith and obedience.

Sermon: Jericho Walls, Faith and Victory

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OT: Fiery Furnace (Even If)

Pastor Shannon continues in the Old Testament series. This week we talk about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego…three men who stood up to King Nebuchadnezzar and wouldn’t bow down to his golden idol, no matter what. We’ll be reading in Daniel 3:1-28.  This is an amazing story – but the focus this week is on verse 17-18, the men say “God will deliver us, but EVEN IF HE DOESN’T, we still won’t bow down.” Do we live in the confidence of that “even if”?

Sermon: Fiery Furnace Faith (Even If)

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OT: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

We are in a series on Old Testament stories. This week Pastor Shannon tackles Elijah and the Prophets of Baal from 1 Kings 18:1-39. This is an amazing story about the provision of God and also serves as a challenge to the people of God. We cannot serve two gods. Through this story we see the importance of choosing – will we serve God or will we not?


Sermon: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal

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OT: Naaman (Humility)

Pastor Shannon begins a new series of Old Testament stories with the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-19. When faced with the humiliation of leprosy, he tried everything and finally turned to the God of his servant girl. Through his story we see the importance of humility and relying on God.


Sermon: OT: Naaman (Humility)

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Body of Christ: Family of God

In the conclusion to the Body of Christ series, Pastor Shannon preaches from Galatians 3:26-4:7. We are adopted by God and therefore are brothers and sisters. We are family! In a discussion lead time together we looked at Ephesians 4:4-6, John 1:12-13, Romans 8:14-17 and 1 John 3:1-3. What do these scriptures have to do with unity? What does it mean to be a child of God/part of God’s family?


Sermon: Body of Christ: Family of God

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