Category Archives: Lent Devotional

Holiness: A Lenten Devotional

Click here to download this free, electronic Lenten devotional on the topic of holiness.

Twenty Church of God ministers have combined their efforts to create “Holiness: A Lenten Devotional.” The purpose of this project is to provide the Church of God with a high-quality, easy-to-engage set of devotionals for the season of Lent. This project intends to remain focused on God and the scriptures while speaking words of life to the people of the Church of God.

This project explores the concept of holiness from a biblical perspective. Combining theology with practice, daily devotionals from Ash Wednesday (February 14) through Easter Sunday (April 1) cover four major themes:

  • God is Holy: theological foundations
  • Holy Ground: biblical instances of holiness
  • Holy People: our call to live holy lives
  • Holy Week: the journey to the cross and empty tomb

Each theme is introduced by additional reflections from professors at the Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry and is accompanied by original artwork from one member of our team.

Unique to this project is a practical reflection on each Sunday during Lent. Instead of a regular devotional on Sundays, you will find pragmatic ideas of how to live out the concepts of holiness that you have considered through the week.

We hope that this resource will help you, your loved ones, and your congregation to draw closer to God, to be holy as God is holy, and to imitate the holiness of Jesus during this upcoming season of Lent.

These daily devotionals are available as a single PDF file (click here to download), and each will be posted daily on this site from February 14 through April 1.

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Coming Soon – Holiness: A Lenten Devotional

Twenty Church of God ministers have combined their efforts to create “Holiness: A Lenten Devotional,” a free electronic resource which is available at this link. The purpose of this project is to provide the Church of God with a high-quality, easy-to-engage set of devotionals for the season of Lent. This project intends to remain focused on God and the scriptures while speaking words of life to the people of the Church of God.

This project explores the concept of holiness from a biblical perspective. Combining theology with practice, daily devotionals from Ash Wednesday (February 14) through Easter Sunday (April 1) cover four major themes:

  • God is Holy: theological foundations
  • Holy Ground: biblical instances of holiness
  • Holy People: our call to live holy lives
  • Holy Week: the journey to the cross and empty tomb

Each theme is introduced by additional reflections from professors at the Anderson University School of Theology and Christian Ministry and is accompanied by original artwork from one member of our team.

Unique to this project is a practical reflection on each Sunday during Lent. Instead of a regular devotional on Sundays, you will find pragmatic ideas of how to live out the concepts of holiness that you have considered through the week.

We hope that this resource will help you, your loved ones, and your congregation to draw closer to God, to be holy as God is holy, and to imitate the holiness of Jesus during this upcoming season of Lent.


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