Author Archives: Shannon New Spangler

Spiritual Discipline: Scripture Reading

Spiritual Discipline is so important for our spiritual growth and health! This week Pastor Shannon will deal with the importance of Scripture, of being in the Word. Read Proverbs 4:20-23 and 2 Timothy 3:16.


Sermon: Spiritual Discipline: Scripture Reading 

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Spiritual Discipline: Intro

At the start of the new year, Pastor Shannon begins a new series on Spiritual Discipline.

Spiritual Discipline is vital for spiritual health – it was a priority for Jesus, how much more do WE need to be disciplined? The scriptures for the series are 1 Timothy 4:6-16 and Matthew 22:37. This sermon is the introduction to the series, which will include prayer, scripture reading, solitude/silence, fasting, service, worship, and confession.


Sermon: Spiritual Discipline 

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Advent: Love

Advent is a season that is full of anticipation. This month Pastor Shannon has preached on hope, peace, and joy. As we conclude this series we celebrate Emmanuel – God with us and talk about God’s great love. Scriptures from Matthew and Luke.


Sermon: Advent: Love

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Advent: Joy

During this season of Advent, Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love. What is joy and where does it come from? Read Psalm 98 and listen to this sermon on joy.


Sermon: Advent: Joy

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Advent: Peace

This month Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love during advent. From our hope we can experience peace – but what does peace really mean in this world of turmoil? Read Micah 5:2-5 and Luke 2:8-14 as we meditate on peace.


Sermon: Advent: Peace

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Advent: Hope

Advent is full of anticipation. This month Pastor Shannon will speak on hope, peace, joy and love. Where does our hope come from? From our circumstances? From within us? Read Matthew 1:18-25 and begin this advent journey with us!


Sermon: Advent: Hope

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Vision and Mission

Our mission from God comes from God’s vision for the church as a whole. God’s mission for the church comes from Matthew 28:16-20 and is for all believers. Within that each church and each person has a personal mission to do for God. What’s ours?


Sermon: Vision and Mission

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OT: Violence and God

As we finish up the series in the Old Testament, so many questions have come to the surface over the last few months about the violence we have seen in these stories. Read Matthew 5:21-22 and 5:38-44.

A big question we come to is does God condone violence? Pastor Shannon deals with this and other questions and also addresses the Las Vegas shooting which happened the week of this sermon.


Sermon: OT: Violence and God

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OT: Job

Pastor Shannon looks at Job, yes the entire book! It’s a long read but worth it. Take some time and read through the story, what can we make out of all this? Is God still good? Listen as we explore this story.


Sermon: OT: Job

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OT: Esther

Pastor Shannon continues speaking from the Old Testament with a sermon on Esther (Read the book of Esther to prepare). Esther is an unlikely hero but God continues to work. Will you be a part of what God is doing or not?


Sermon: OT: Esther 

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