The “Why” Questions

Our denomination, the Church of God (Anderson), is doing some introspective investigation these days. We have been in existence since the 1880s, and our self-understanding has shifted and changed through the course of time. We now stand “at the crossroads,” as it were. Our leaders, from General Director Jim Lyon on down, are asking three important questions about why we exist as a body of believers.

These are crucial questions, and we hope to contribute our answers to them:

(A) If you could capture in one sentence, “What is the purpose of the Church of God Movement?” what would it be?

(B) What is the unique contribution that the Movement makes to the Kingdom in the world today?

(C) Upon what should the Movement focus going forward?

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2 thoughts on “The “Why” Questions

  1. […] into our current series, “The Why Questions,” which explores three major questions facing the Church of God […]

  2. MaryAnn Hawkins says:

    I appreciate the work that you have done and I appreciate the fact that several of you were available for txt conversation with Jonathan during the meeting on Mon. 3/2. Your commitment to the Church of God is inspiring. I hope that you don’t mind that I’m proud of you.
    Shalom –
    M. Hawkins

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